Monday 9 November 2009

My Short Film

I enjoyed making the short film. This was because i got to be more creative with my work and give some ideas as part of a group. the storyboard was pretty simple as my group (Matt and Gina) all had good ideas and we made it up very quickly. we had some funny ideas but we chose to do a story about a boy called Joe and and a girl called Amy. They meet up in the corridor and she tells him things about her bf and he gives her his number. When he walks off though he gets cobbled by Amy's boyfriend.

In the film we had to have the the 180 degree rule and we had to show the handing over between two people showing there hands. We also had to use a variety of different camera angles.

When we started we had to get over the fact that the corridor was very busy and we had to make sure we would not cause a accident. Then there was the fact off getting actors in to play extra and Amy as i had bravely volunteered to play the role of Joe. Once we had got our cast we were able to start filming. At first some of our extras were not taking the whole thing seriously but when we did our first shot we had a problem with the camera and had to get new extras to help. After this the whole thing ran very smoothly. Tasha played a great Amy and it was easy to act to be honest. I'm sure the people in the group will enjoy the film and epically when i get tripped over by Matt. We kept to the 180 degrees rule and the hand over was done with skill.

I would like to thanks the people that helped us out as extras in the film you have helped me out a lot. Thanks to Matt and Gina for there great camera work . Next time i would want to help out more with the camera shots as i felt i could of helped the other two in my group out more with the whole thing. I would also plan more in advance to get extras ready and to get a good setting.

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