Tuesday 1 December 2009


This is my groups storyboard. It explains all the story and the different people the are in the scene. It explains all the different shots.
First frame is a long shot off the students coming down the corridor.
Second frame is the over the shoulder off Joe it is also a MCU shot
Third frame is reverse off the second frame but is used to show Amy this is us doing the 180 degrees rule.
Fourth frame is after Joe and Amy have said hi and they are starting to get talking about there feeling for each other it goes to a close up off Joe saying how has Amy been over the holidays.
Fifth frame is a MCU off Amy saying she has been thinking about Joe.
Sixth Frame is MCU off Joe shocked and asking how her Boyfriend is
Seventh Frame is another MCU off Amy saying things are not going good with him and she is quite upset.
Eighth Frame is Joe seeing a chance to get with Amy who he actully quite fancies
Ninth Frame is the continuity bit and Joe hands Amy his number if she ever wants to chat.
Tenth Frame is off Amy happy as she also quite likes Joe
Eleventh Frame is them saying goodbye
and the last frame track Joe walking towards Amy's boyfriend and he sees that he has been chatting her up and he bullies joe and trips him to the ground and that is the end off it.

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