Friday 18 December 2009

The Pitch

In my group we had to make a pitch which would include:

-4 ideas for our horror film and what is included in the film
- Then we would have to include a more detailed outline for one off the plots and would show all the characters and stuff.
-We would have to outline our locations that we would be using.
-A rough idea for the start off our film.
-Then generic identifies for a horror

Our 4 ideas for our film:

First idea= It is set in world war 2 and a bomb hits a sleepy village next to a Nazi headquarters. The bomb contains atom particles and it turns certain people into zombies and they are after revenge and need to take the souls off the Nazis that took there lives as its the only way they will get out off being in this state. There is a lot off blood and gore as they slowly start picking off a bunch off Nazis.

Second idea= A boy and a girl are having an argument and the girl eventually dumps him. He is clearly upset and goes out for a walk through the park(at night). When he is walking he sees a load of odd looking people sitting on the bench, he walks on further to find a newspaper with the headline "Inmates Escape From Asylum, STAY INDOORS!!". He decides to walk back home and the group that was by the bench before have now gone. When getting back to the house he hears his girlfriend scream bloody murder, and starts to run back into the house. As he is running he hears giggling and laughter. He finds his girlfriend and finds shes dead. He bends down towards her and is whacked round the head. Then the scene cuts to the boyfriend tied to a chair unconscious. The film is basically about how these bunches off nutters start terrorising a town and this town can beat the nutters.

Third Idea=Business type guy, late 20s gets home after a months business trip abroad and comes back to an empty, cold, dark, desolate house (so cold he can see his own breath). Noises start to emanate from the kitchen and so he walks in (lights aren't working in kitchen) and he can see its been trashed and food from the fridge is all over the floor. He ventures up stairs to find his room light on with the television on and the shower is running. He then hears a noise coming from the landing so he runs out and looks into one of the spare rooms. Then its a close up of half his face and the landing and the stairs. The camera angle then changes to the persons point of view coming up the stairs, so the camera is wobbly to imitate movement whilst walking up the stairs and walks up behind him and wackes his round the head, but just that instant the screen goes blank and credits start. The we cut to a flash back of him leaving his house where its all warm, cosy and lit up well (complete contrast to the house at the start, but still the same house). He is leaving the house for his sister to take care of. After he leaves she locks the door and walks up stairs and turns the television on and turns the shower on. thirst getting ready she hears broken glass at the front door. Panicking, she runs into one of the spare rooms and waits till what ever it is comes up the stairs. When the thing is not on the landing she runs up to the bedroom on the top floor (convention of a horror where they run up the stairs instead of down) when the person is in one of the other rooms she manages to creep down stairs and grab a weapon to hit the thing with. She then makes her way up the stairs with it and wake the person with it and the screen goes blank once again.

4th Idea (Main one)- A class is rocked when one off the most popular students is killed in the middle off a lesson. The police come into investigate it and find how messed up the class is and they start to piece up the puzzle. But before this happens the class has to survive the string off murders as the class starts getting picked off one by one

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